
时间:2023-05-29 17:39:27


Unit 1 How do you study for a test ?(Section A 1b,2a,2b)

教学内容分析本单元学习一般现在时和现在完成时的用法,其话题是“谈论怎样学习”围绕学生自己的学习方法“I study by doing …”展开,使学生通过听力训练,针对学习中的'困难给别人提出建议,并对别人的学习方法做出评价,使学生在学习的过程中能够借鉴别人成功的学习方法。

教学目标1、 让学生通过听,学会用“by+doing”短语表达学习方法。

2、 能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点。

3、 能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息。

4、 让学生通过听,了解英美国家学生学习英语的方法。





教学步骤Step 1: Lead in

Let several students talk about their ways to study English one by one .

A: I study by working with a group.

B: I study by listening to tapes.

C: I study by making flashcards.

Step 2: Listening

Task 1: Listening(1b)

Before listening . Ask students to look at the pictures from a to c carefully and try to express how these students study for a test.

Picture a: She studies by making flashcards.

Picture b: He studies by listening to tapes.

Picture c: He studies by asking the teacher for help.

While listening . Students try to grasp the details and write letters from the pictures above. Then check the answers together.(It’s easy for students to find the right answers.)



After listening . Ask students to recite the target languages and then act them out .

Model :

S1: How does Mei study for a test ?

S2: She studies by …

Task 2: Listening (2a,2b)

Before listening . Ask the students to look at the picture and answer the teacher’s question .

T : What are doing ?

Ss: …

Ask students to read questions from 1 to 5 and answer from a to d and pay attention to the structures of the sentences .

While listening . Ask the students to listen twice and finish the tasks of2a and 2b . Then let students check the answers together . If necessary play the tape again .

Answers :

1、(√) Do you learn English by watching English-language videos ? (d)

2、(√) Do you ever practice conversations with friends ? (b)

3、( )What about listening to tapes ? ( )

4、(√) What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation ? (c)

5、 (√) Have you ever studied with a group ? (a)

After listening . Ask students to read and recite the tapescripts . And explain some language points if necessary .

Step3 : Homework

Recite the sentences “I study by doing …”

