外研版初三英语下册Mdule 9教案设计

时间:2023-10-08 05:51:32
外研版初三英语下册Mdule 9教案设计

外研版初三英语下册Mdule 9教案设计

Perid 3: Writing ≈ Mdule Tas ≈ Arund the wrld

Teaching Cntent: Writing ≈ Arund the wrld ≈Mdule Tas

Teaching Ais and Deands:

1.Writing sill: T write abut The future f Chinese. Iprve the students’ writing abilit (难点).

2. T learn abut invented languages.

3. T suarize and cnslidate the use f clauses. (重点)

Learning strategies

Tp-dwn and Interactive apprach and d se exercises.

Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recrder , vide, OHP, handut)

Teaching Prcedures:

Part I: Revisin

Tas: Help students t revise what wa ……此处隐藏562个字……/p>

● Pla it again fr the t cplete, crrect and chec.

● Call bac the answers fr the whle class.

Answer: a)

Tas 10: Activit 8. Listen again and answer the questins.


● As the students t d this individuall, then chec their answers with a partner.

● Call bac the answers fr the whle class , having ne student as a questin and anther answer.


1.Bs, CDs and cputer curses.

2.Speaing practice.

3.An nline curse in cnversatin.

4.Because there are nl fur students and ne teacher per class.


Part IV: A test

Cplete Ex 4 n page 129 in the TB. Let’s see wh can finish it as sn as pssible.

Part V: Hewr

Finish all the exercises in the WB.

《外研版初三英语下册Mdule 9教案设计.doc》
