1 一直,总是 Always—invariably
2 一直以来 All the time—constantly,continuously,continually,perpetually
3 结果 As a result—consequently,turn out,come out
4 基本上,主要的 Basically—substantially,in essence,essentially
5 可以,能够 Able,can—capable,in a(n) position
6 首先 First—in the first place,first of all,to begin with
7 其次 Secondly,then,next—in the second place,in the next place
8 重要的 Important—vital,crucial,prominent,cardinal
9 然后 Then—after that,afterwards
10 我认为 In my opinion—if you ask me,to my way of thinking
11 组成,设立 Be amount to—constitute
12 因此 So,therefore—consequently
13 理解 Understand—appreciate
14 产生 Yield—produce(results)
15 足够的 Enough—ample,sufficient,adequate
16 解决 Solve—work sth out
17 到处 Everywhere—here and there,all over,abroad ad
18 适当的 Fitting—proper,appropriate
19 拥有 Have—contain,be equipped with,possess
20 如果 If –in case of,in the event of
21 有趣的 Interesting—entertaining,engaging,
22 有活力的 Energetic—dynamic,vigorous,animated
23 充足的 Abundant—ample,plentiful,generous
24 勇敢 Brave—courageous,bold,fearless,
25 合理的 Reasonable—sound,rational,sensible,
26 著名的 Famous—renowned,noticeable,notable,
27 有益的' Helpful—favorable,favorable,rewarding,
28 许多 Many—numerous,a host of,multitude of
29 不同的 Different—various,a variety of,diverse
30 普遍的 Common—commonplace,universal,pervasive,
31 唯一的 Only—solely,unique,merely
32 贫穷的 Poor—needy,impoverished,in poverty
33 大的 Big—vast,massive,enormous
34 新的 New—brand—new,fresh,novel
35 有害的 Harmful—damaging,ruinous,destructive
36 困难的 Difficult—demanding,laborious,formidable
37 无聊的 Boring—dull,tiresome,tedious
38 忧虑的 Worried—anxious,apprehensive,fraught,
39 沮丧的 Sad—depressed,gloomy,frustrated
40 怀疑的 Doubtful—skeptical,suspicious,incredulous
41 继续,持续 Keep—continue,continually,continuously,consistently,persist in
42 了解 Know—be aware of,conversant with,familiar with
43 结束 In the end—eventually,finally,ultimately
44 钱 Money—funding,funds,resources
45 需要 Need—require,demand
46 临近,挨着 Next to—adjacent
47 现在 Now—at this moment,at present,currently,at this juncture
48 经常,频繁 Often—frequent(ly)
49 快速的 Quick—rapid,prompt
50 富裕的 Rich—wealthy,affluent,opulent,well-heeled,well-to-do
51 正确的 Right—appropriate,correct,proper
52 建立 Set up,build—establish
53 表示 Show,express,mean—indicate,presentation,signify,demonstrate,evince,manifest
54 方面 Side—aspect,behalf
55 很多,大量的 A lot—a great deal,considerably,noticeably,substantially
56 后来的 Later—subsequent
57 允许,让 Allow,let—permit
58 喜欢 Like—to be partial to sth,liking
59 偏爱 Liking—predilection for sth,partiality for sth
60 很多,大量的 A lot—a great deal,considerably,noticeably,substantially