
时间:2023-06-02 23:33:53


全国大学英语六级考试的主要对象是高等学校修完大学英语四级的本科生;同等程度的大专生或硕士研究生经所在学校同意,可在本校报名参加考试; 同等程度的夜大或函授大学学生经所在学校同意,可在本校报名参加考试;1987年后毕业需要补考的大学本科毕业生。下文是为大家精选的'一英语六级翻译习题,欢迎大家阅读。




Educated for many years,college students bearexpectations from society as seniorintellectuals.Therefore,in recent years,society haspaid more and more attention to theentrepreneurship of college students.With thedevelopment of our society and economy,entrepreneurship of college students has become anew phenomenon.Being innovative,college students in modern society have the confidenceand desire to challenge the traditional ideas and professions.It is such spirit of innovationthat makes college students motivated to establish a business and confident to achievesuccess.Bearing the dream of establishing a business,college students work hard to realize theirideals and prove themselves.

1.越来越受到...的关注:有很多译法,可以灵活处理,如toattract an increasing attention from…也可译为befocused on more and more,文中翻译为 has paid moreand more attention to。

2.背负着社会的种种期望:可译为bear expectations ofsociety。

3.创业:有很多译法,可以根据不同情况进行选择,文中译为establish a business,也可译为start one's ownenterprise。

4.传统行业:可译为traditional professions或traditional industries。

5.成为成功创业的信心基础:可以理解为“更有信心取得成功”,故译为be confident to achieve success。

6.怀揣…梦想:可译为bearing the dream of...,也可译为having the dream of...,这里用现在分词形式作状语。

7.实现自己的理想:可译为realize one's ideals,还可用to put one's dream into reality表达。



月光族(moonlight group),网络流行词,指将每月赚的钱都用完、花光的人。月光族一般都是年轻一代,与父辈勤俭节约的观念不同,他们喜欢追逐时尚,想买就买,根本不在乎钱财。“月光”们有知识、有能力,花钱不仅表达他们对物质生活的喜爱,更是他们赚钱的动力。上一代人信奉“会赚不如会省”,对他们的行为痛心疾首;而他们的格言是“能花才更能赚”。“富不过三十天;穷不了一个月” 是对他们的生活最生动的描述。


The phrase“moonlight group”is a popular Internetterm. It refers to those people who spend all of theirincome every month. The “moonlight group” isgenerally young generation. Different from the eldergeneration who believes in thrift, the “moonlightgroup” pursues fashion. They buy what they want, regardless of the price. Knowledgeable andcapable, the moonlight people spend money not only to express their love for material life, butalso to motivate themselves to make money. Holding the belief that it's better to save moneythan make money, the elder generation hates the behaviors of the moonlight group. But themotto of the moonlight group is “one can make money only if he can spend money”.The saying“One can't be rich for 30 days and he can't be poor for one month either”vividly describes themoonlight group's life.

1.月光族:可译为moonlight group。“一族”还翻译为clan和tribe,如“月光族”还可翻译为moonlight clan,“蚁族”可翻译为ant tribe。

2.网络流行词:可译为popular Internet term。此外,也可以用buzzword表示“流行词,热点词。”

3.勤俭节约的观念:可译为believe in thrift。其中thrift意为“节俭,节约”,believe in意为“认为...正确”。

4.根本不在乎钱財:即“不顾及、不考虑价钱”,其中“不顾及、不考虑”可译为without regard for或regardless of。

5.信奉:可译为hold the belief。也可以只用hold—个词表达,如They hold different views onconsumption.他们对消费有不同的看法,或他们有不同的消费观。

6.表达对物质生活的喜爱:“物质生活”,可译为material life。“喜爱”可以用love或affection表达。故该句译为express their love for material life。

