过时的 outdated ;antiquated ;outmoded ;obsolete ;anachronistic
短暂的 ephemeral ;transitory ;transient ;short-lived
不合时宜的 anachronism
可持久的 durable ;able to stand wear ;last a long time
一再 time after time ;again and again
初始的 preliminary
前述的 aforementioned ;aforesaid ;former
自古到今 from ancient times to the present day ;down through the ages
年轻人 young people ;youngster ;youth ;young adult
老式的 old-fashioned ;out o ……此处隐藏434个字……of;in the presence of
以 by means of;by virtue of;by the use of
不惜代价 at all costs
每况愈下 from bad to worse
承受错误造成的后果 in reaping the harvest of his mistakes
取得同意…get the go-ahead to
不择手段 unscrupulously;by hook or by crook
想法与作法 beliefs and practices
内情 ins and outs;turns and twists
关键时刻 the critical moment
虽然 although;notwithstanding;albeit;though
可互换的 interchangeable
可与…相比 is comparable with (to)
普遍的 prevailing;common;prevalent
是一个对比 is a sharp contrast to
比作 is likened to;is compared to
多样化的 heterogeneous
单一性的 homogeneous