问诊常用英语句子如下:Did you feel contractions regularly[你感觉到过有规律的宫缩吗?]
What`s the amount of beeding Is it profuse[出血量多少?很多吗?]
Do you mind if I examine you briefly[我简单地给你检查一下,你介意吗?]
Please take off your shoes and panties and lie on the examining table.[请你脱去鞋和裤子,躺到检查床上。]
I`ll run some tests on you.[我要给你做些化验。]
That`s due to your heavy period.[这是因为你月经过多造成的。]
I think it`s carcinoma of the breasts.[我认为是乳腺癌。]
We`ll send her to the delivery room for fu ……此处隐藏3126个字……来月经时间时这一部位疼吗?]
How about your menstruation cycles[你的经期准吗?]
Have you had any discomfort[有什么不舒服吗?]
When was your last menstruation[你上一次月经是什么时候?]
How long is your period usually[通常你的月经周期多长?]
Have you had any bleeding, watery discharge or pain in your lower abdomen[你有过阴道出血、水性分泌物以及下腹部疼痛的情况吗?]
How long has this been bothering you[这种不适感有多久了?]
Are you near-sighted or far-sighted[您是近视眼还是远视眼?]
Come back in a week for a re-examination of your eyes.[一周以后来复查您的眼睛。]
I`ll send you some medicine (pill, ointment)。[给你开些内服药(丸药,膏药)。]
I`ll give you some tablets.[我给你一些药片。]
I`ll make up a prescription for you.[我给你开一张药方]