
时间:2023-05-27 11:47:05



(    )1. ________ you _______ hiking last Sunday?

A. Do,  go        B. Does,  goes      C. Did,  go

(    )2. A sperm whale is __________ than a killer whale.

A. big          B. biger        C. bigger

(    )3. __________ dog has two tails.

A.  A          B.  An        C.  The

(    )4. ---Is Mike _______ than you?  --- Yes, I’m 1 cm ______.

A. shorter, shorter       B. taller, taller       C. taller, shorter

(    )5. How ________ you ________, Zoom?

A. do, feeling      B. are, feel         C. are, feeling

(    )6. Look! The children _________ their classroom!

A. cleaned         B. are cleaning      C. are going to clean

(    )7. My parents went to Zhongshan _______ bike.

A. by             B. on               C. with

(    )8.---________ did you go hiking?  --- last weekend.

A. When          B. What             C. Where

(    )9. --- Can she _______?  --- Yes, she can. She ______ every day.

A. dance, danced       B. danced, dances     C. dance, dances

(    )10. Lily comes from ___________.

A. Chinese        B. England          C. American


1.My parents bought many ________________(礼物)for us on Children’s Day.

2.We _____________(唱)an English song last class.

3.His leg ____________ (伤害), so he can’t run.

4.Tom had a _______________ (牙痛) last night.

5.Sarah feels unhappy, because she’s _______________(重)than before.


1. 你生气吗?

____________ you feel ______________?

2. 她得了重感冒,不得不看医生。

She had a __________ ____________ and had to see a doctor.

3. 我哥哥比我大四岁。

My brother is four _________ __________than me.

4. 昨晚你做作业了吗?

__________ you do your ____________ last night?

5. 昨天我和我父母去了公园。



(    )1、如果你听到别人说他的爷爷病了,你应该说:

A.     That’s great!

B.     Thank you for telling me.

C.     I’m sorry to hear that.

(    )2、如果你姐姐要去旅游了,你应该对她说:

A.Please go with me!

B. Have a good time!

C.Take some pictures!

(    )3、如果你发现你的同学感冒了,你应该建议他:

A、See a doctor and have some rest.

B、Play sports and you will be better soon.

C、Eat more food and eat more fruits.

(    )4、如果你朋友邀请你星期天一起去做义工,你应该说:

A、I feel sick.

B、Good idea.

C、I’m sorry to hear that.

(    )5、如果你想向陌生人问路,你应该先说:

A、Hey, don’t move!

B、Oh, I am sorry!

C、Excuse me.


John : How do you _______________, Bob?

Bob: I don’t feel ____________. Maybe I have a high fever.

John : Hm. You’d better (最好)to see the doctor and _____________

some medicine.

Bob: I think so. And can you tell me the way to the ____________(人民) Hospital?

John : Yes. It’s not far. You can get there on ___________.

六、读短文, 判断所给句子是否与短文相符,如一致, 写“√”, 否则写“×”。 (本大题共7.5分,每题1.5分)

Many people do not like to stay at home on holidays. They want to go out to see something different or do something exciting. So people from the country come to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays. During the holidays, trains, buses and planes are all very busy. It is very hard to buy train tickets or air tickets. Many people take cars or buses for traveling.

(     ) 1、Many people like to take a trip on their holidays.

(     ) 2、People don’t like taking cars or buses for trip.

(     ) 3、People from the city like to visit the country for holidays.

(     ) 4、It’s easy to buy train tickets or air tickets during the holidays.

(     ) 5、All the people like to take a trip by air plane.

