
时间:2023-07-17 11:45:50




  There is an old adage: "hundred good filial first". This is often hung in the mouth words, but contains the greatest love in the world.

  When I was a child, she lie in her mother's arms, sweet milk, once. This is our childhood best memories. Again big some, learning has become our main task, in the process of hard study, parents are our berthing ships shore. Along with the step by step, we make the footprints of growth.

  Once, when crossing t ……此处隐藏511个字……ship, father is the rudder of a mother's love is meet the sail, it let me in life's ocean waves chopping wave; Parents love, is a winter night candles, a father's candle wax, a mother's love is the candle light stem, it makes me in a foreign land of the long winter night feel the warmth of home; Parents love, is the village head kongmin light, fatherly love is a light field, a mother's love is the mie paper, it lit up my home in on a night of road.

  父母爱,如水、乳,相交融。 父母爱,如潮水般奔涌而来;父母爱,像彩虹般穿贯世界;父母爱,似空气紧紧将我包裹。从前,当父亲为我白了一根乌发,当母亲为我深了一道皱纹,我从不心痛,认为那是理所当然。可现在,我不会了。我会认为,那是父母爱我的见证。父母就像一只珍贵易碎的花瓶。每爱我一分,他们就更脆弱一分。 父母爱,是豪华的大船,父爱是掌船舵,母爱是迎风帆,它让我在生活的海洋上斩浪劈波;父母爱,是冬夜的蜡烛,父爱是制烛蜡,母爱是烛茎光,它让我在异乡的漫漫冬夜感受到家的温暖;父母爱,是村头的孔明灯,父爱是支灯篾,母爱是包篾纸,它照亮了我在无月之夜的回家路。

