我喜爱的熊猫英语作文_第1篇:I like many animals, but my favorite is pandas. Pandas are rare animals in our country. Their hometown is in sichuan.
The panda's looks are interesting, chubby, chubby and cute. Its head and body are white, and only the circles, ears and shoulders are dark brown. In particular, that pair of eyes, long in white, the clumsy action and the look of the start, looked more lovely.
The pandas in the zoo, trained by their owners and aunts and uncles, will also perform many shows. If som ……此处隐藏210个字……grab it and give it to the baby. Before I knew it, my grandfather and I would say goodbye to this gentle and gentle giant panda.
I think there will be a chance to see the pandas in the future, and it will be interesting to bring the toys and pandas to the home.
那天下午,我和爷爷去大市场,还带了一些水果和面包。那儿有个长凉亭,我就跪在长凉亭上吃苹果。吃着吃着,突然有一只大熊猫朝我们爬来。虽然有围栏,但我还是很怕它撞破围栏出来抓我。结果手一抖,苹果“砰”的一声,不偏不倚的掉到了那只大熊猫的背上。只见它甩甩背,果子掉到了草地上,它见到苹果,猛扑上去,一口就把它吃了。没了苹果,我就吃面包, 边吃还边撕一点面食给它们。它们见了,直往我这边跑。有的像小孩子一样, 抓到了就跑,生怕别人抢它的;有的像爸爸妈妈一样,抓到了就给宝宝吃。不知不觉的,金色的晚霞即将铺在西天,我和爷爷也依依不舍的跟这群温柔敦厚大熊猫道别。